
Process documents smartly

Every day, large amounts of post enter an organization. The flip side to these physical hard copies is that the archive increases exponentially and many documents serve as evidence for the reconstruction of processes. Destroying documents is therefore not an option.

WhiteVision optimizes the processing of incoming post through a document management solution that cleverly digitizes the documents. The documents are scanned, then coded by the WhiteVision software and forwarded to the (Level) back office.

A quality check of the document takes place and it is determined whether an action should be linked to the document. If so, the document is automatically indexed and assigned to the right person / department and agenda for a smooth and proper follow-up.

  • Advantages
  • Cost
  • Support

What are the advantages?

Saving time
  • Thanks to the digitization of documents, retyping is a thing of the past.
  • Automatic processing of documents by the system, greatly minimizes the margin of error.
  • Automatic work distribution.
  • Authorization settings ensure only relevant documents are shown.
  • Tracking the workload leads to measuring the lead time.
  • Improving efficiency through time saving in the processing of incoming documents.



Data quality
  • Control over the quality and accuracy of your archive.
  • Standardization of work distribution, so that high quality and speed are consistently achieved.
  • Guarantee of privacy and document confidentiality.

What are the costs?

Maintenance costs and a rate per scan workplace. 

Who can help me?

For support, contact CCS directly through the customer portal.