STP claims settlement

The EMS Claimsengine® is a cloud-based solution that enables your organization to settle bulk damage STP, leaving you with more time for the exceptional damage cases. Your customers report the damage themselves, without you having to make amendments.

EMS Claims Solutions Provider
  • Advantages
  • Cost
  • Support

What are the advantages?

Customer focus

EMS puts the end-user first. It is easier and quicker for insured people to report their damages and they quickly get clarity about the processing of their claim. Communication with customers has never been easier, resulting in an increase in customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

Optimize claims

Damage reports can be handled quickly and easily because the many necessary checks are carried out automatically, ensuring the damage level is validated and confirmed. This makes the settlement of the damage consistent and efficient.

Maximize compliancy

The Claimsengine® is transparent about the handling of claims. The claims are handled according to the conditions stated in the policies. The customer has full insight into the handling of the claim through multiple contact moments and options.

Software as a service

The Claimsengine® is accessible anywhere in the world. This means that the customer can use the system 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is also possible for the claims handler to pick up the claim wherever and whenever convenient, or even to continue the handling at a later time.

What are the costs?

  • Per transaction and depending on volume.
  • One-time configuration costs.


Who can help me?

For support, contact CCS directly through the customer portal.