Flexible management of your CCS software

The insurance world is constantly changing. Legislation, market developments, and growth opportunities require regular adjustments. With Functional Managed Services, you benefit from in-depth expertise. Our team acts as a strategic partner and can complement your internal management organization or fully relieve you, allowing you to leverage expertise or ensure continuity.

Join over 2,000 companies using the CCS platform.

Functional Managed Services

Ensure continuity. Leverage expertise.

Focus on your core tasks and make sure you get the most out of our software. Address personnel shortages by utilizing our flexible FMS services.

Extensive product experience

Thanks to our experience with various clients, we know exactly what capabilities our software offers. We use this experience to translate your needs into an optimal setup for your CCS software. This optimal setup will help you directly make your services commercially successful.

ISAE 3402 Type 2 Standard

The ISAE 3402 Type 2 requires that all changes made to the software are traceable. We are proud to announce that we fully comply with this certification. We always provide a detailed record of our activities, ensuring that all changes can be monitored and reported.

FMS with an Agile Scrum approach

You determine what we tackle at FMS. Together, we discuss what will be addressed in a sprint of (standard) two weeks. After each sprint, we review what we have accomplished and jointly set priorities for the next sprint. New tickets for management automatically go to the backlog and can be prioritized during the next sprint planning.

Contact met CCS

Questions about this service? We are happy to help you.