Bugs Business

Imago Office

Imago Office offers an optimal working environment for both employees and affiliated agents. With a clear and customized client profile, efficient transactions, handy CRM functions and the right tools, you are ready to ensure optimal duty of care.


Bugs Business
  • Advantages
  • Cost
  • Support

What are the advantages?

  • With Imago Office all daily activities are performed online and in a modern environment. Integration with the back office, ensures that Imago Office always displays and uses real-time data.
  • Image Office is not a customized solution, but it is a solution that can be made to measure.
All transactions that are necessary for managing the portfolio, such as calculating, quoting, requesting and modifying, can be executed in a simple way.
Customer data always up-to-date
  • Image Office contains a user-friendly dashboard in which all information from the customer is immediately visible. From relation and policy details to open agendas and memos.
  • Alerts on the dashboard keep you informed of the most important activities surrounding your customer.
  • Imago Office offers an extensive suite of CRM tools providing full support in the field of customer management. A few examples:
    • The “Relation check” enables you to update relationship data quickly and easily.
    • “Appointment management” offers support for timely appointment scheduling and compliance with SLAs.
    • Ability to quickly and easily create, send and archive emails.
    • Help with making visit reports and related actions.
  • Bugs Business consultants take care of the entire implementation process. An important part of this is the training in the management of Imago Office, after which you will be able to work independently and with confidence.

What are the costs

  • Monthly subscription costs (including a price per user).
  • One-off purchase and implementation costs.

Who can help me?

For support, contact Bugs Business directly through their customer portal.